Many of us (and with literally billions of users, don't act like you're not in this group) use social media on a regular basis to post, look at, or like pictures of ourselves, our friends, our pets, our kids, or any random object we find amusing at the moment. With the movement of posting pictures of oneself becoming so popular that we've even gotten a new word from it, selfie. But how does this selfie mentality fit into one's Christian walk? One writer shared this, "The scene of someone being on their knees before God may be one of the only selfies that can convey humility." It's hard to only talk about me, me, me, and still be focused on God, God, God. Shifting away from this selfie culture toward surrendering to God's will is necessary for spiritual growth. We rarely think of the word surrender in any positive light. But when it comes to surrendering to God's will in our life, it is vital. The Point: Approach prayer with humble ...
Growin' Up Gregory was originally started in 2014 to chronicle what life is like raising a child in today's crazy world. As I planned to story my son's life and his growth, God took over and began to grow me so much more. This blog of a man who loves faith and family where you may find inspiring, business minded, funny, political, or off the wall posts. Note: The views expressed here are my personal views and do not represent any organization that I am, was, or will be a member of.