"You are of purer eyes than to see evil and cannot look at wrong, why do you idly look at traitors and remain silent when the wicked swallows up the man more righteous than he?" - Habakkuk 1:13 This verse is somewhat difficult for me to fully comprehend but AW Tozer offers this insight below: "I must come to the point where I view iniquity as God views it, and treat it as God treats it. I am not thinking of looking on other people's iniquity, but on the iniquity that haunts the corridors of my own soul. It is one thing to point on iniquity in someone else's life, and tell him what God thinks of it; but it is another thing altogether to point out the iniquity in my own life and understand that God cannot look on that iniquity." - AW Tozer You see, God cannot stand the sight of evil. We often picture evil as thieves, adulterers, murderers, and other criminals. And while doing so we neglect to see the faults in our lives, the evil and wrong inside o...
Growin' Up Gregory was originally started in 2014 to chronicle what life is like raising a child in today's crazy world. As I planned to story my son's life and his growth, God took over and began to grow me so much more. This blog of a man who loves faith and family where you may find inspiring, business minded, funny, political, or off the wall posts. Note: The views expressed here are my personal views and do not represent any organization that I am, was, or will be a member of.