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Showing posts from May, 2020

John's Weekly Thoughts (05302020)

I looked last night and realized that I hadn't actually completed and posted a blog in over a month.  I had to ask myself if I had been lazy, busy, or some combination of both.  Truth is, it's both.  I had started several drafts that haven't been completed.  I've spoke a couple times which requires a different focus and preparation, for me anyways.  And while work has now gotten back to a more typical volume that PPP has run its course, we're still very busy.  But, I told myself earlier this year that I would write and share more regularly and I try to live by a "no excuses" mentality.  So hopefully a weekly article that touches on subjects without the sometimes too deep dive I try to take will be easier for me to handle and for others to follow. No Guts, No Glory We've all heard this saying - but what if our guts cause us to miss the glory?  If you know the story of Jesus in the garden before he was apprehended to be crucified, you've heard of a ...