We have made it halfway through our Summer Light Small Group Bible study on Radical by David Platt and I must admit it has been very enlightening and eye opening. Today's devotional has us imagine a scene in parts of the world that are unfamiliar to many of us here in America. You're putting on dark clothes and a hood and heading to secretive place at night. You then pile into a small room with 60 people in it of all ages sitting on the floor or small uncomfortable stools. But they all have their Bible in their laps as they try to study it from the one dangling light bulb in the room. They have no special music, no cushioned seats, no heat/AC. It's just the people and God's Word....and it's enough. Whoa! How radical would that be to see in a church here in the USA? How many of us if we visited a church that had no music, no band, no cushioned pews, no AC, or the other comforts we have become so used to would come back to that church?...
Growin' Up Gregory was originally started in 2014 to chronicle what life is like raising a child in today's crazy world. As I planned to story my son's life and his growth, God took over and began to grow me so much more. This blog of a man who loves faith and family where you may find inspiring, business minded, funny, political, or off the wall posts. Note: The views expressed here are my personal views and do not represent any organization that I am, was, or will be a member of.