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Planned Parenthood and Abortion

After seeing the video of one of Planned Parenthood's top doctors, Deborah Nucatola, talking about selling aborted baby parts I was shocked.  I mean she even talks about not crushing the heart, lungs, or liver.  It's crazy.  I mean I really think she sees those unborn babies the way my high school biology class looked at the pig we dissected.  As I was watching this story on the news, if it had not been so upsetting it would have almost been amusing.  Planned Parenthood's comment was something to the effect that "These claims are disturbing and outrageous."  Claims?!?  What claims?  The doctor is on video camera talking about selling dead baby body parts!  Having to potentially investigate this and possibly take it a to trial is a colossal waste of money.  Everyone was ready to convict Ray Rice immediately as soon as we saw the video of him in the elevator with his girlfriend (now wife) striking her.  But let me get back to my point...

When the media talks about abortion today they like to use the word choice.  They interpret the word choice to mean death, as in the mother has the choice to abort/kill her child.  So what does God say about choice?  Let's Deuteronomy 30:19 the Bible says "I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse.  Therefore CHOOSE LIFE, that you and your offspring may live."  So while the media tries to tell you that "pro-choice" is in favor of abortions, God wants us as his people to choose life!

Some will argue that until the child is born it's not alive.  Well June 2014, my wife had not had our baby yet, but I was a father.  I was already working on the nursery, I was feeling him move around, and I was praying for him.  I couldn't see his face yet but he was already my son.  Thomas was not born until July 2014 by the way.  The Bible supports this theory of when life begins Psalm 139:13 states "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb."  The MacArthur Study Bible elaborates on this verse; "By virtue of the divinely designed period of pregnancy, God providentially watches over the development of the child while yet in the mother's womb."  Um, if you are willing to destroy, kill, and then sell the parts off of one of God's creations then remind me stay away from you when the clouds some out.

Dr. C Everett Koop, former US Surgeon General, warned of the slippery slope that supporters of abortion would lead us to.  They tell the stories of rape and incest victims which make up less than 2% of all abortions!  Please also note that as Ronald Reagan mentioned in 1980, "Well, I happen to notice that everyone who is pro-choice has already been born." 

There is a story in the book "Lord of All" by Dr. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe, that they tell of a nurse named Brenda Shafer who went from pro-choice to pro-life and even quit her job after witnessing a partial-birth abortion.  The first time I read the book I honestly had to stop reading.  The second time was not easier but I wanted to finish the story.  The details are a little too graphic to share online, in my opinion, but if someone really has a great interest in this matter then I will try to provide you an excerpt. 

So how do we as Christians respond to abortion?  First off, we believe in the forgiveness through repentance of all sins, including abortion.  That does not condemn someone to a life of shame or hell.  There are counselors out there for people thinking of having, or who have had, an abortion that can be contacted for help.  Second, we must stand against it.  Abortion is a sin against God's precious gift of life.  I know we can't all be on TV, or at rallies, or quit our jobs to campaign against abortion but when the subject comes up, we must stand with God and against abortion.  We must not vote for politicians that support abortion, they are taking a direct stance against God's word in a time when we need Christian leaders to turn our once great nation around.  Some are taking that same anti-Christ stance on other issues today as well, but that's a topic for another day.



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