The story of Cain and Abel begins at their conception when Genesis says that Adam knew his wife Eve. She later had a son named Cain, and again his brother Abel. Some people believe the brothers may have been twins since there is not much of an element of time passing between their births. Abel became a herdsman and tended the sheep, while Cain became a farmer and worked the ground. Over time, Cain began to bring offerings to God from "fruit of the ground," which is basically just the generic produce. Abel on the other hand, brought choice cuts of meat from the firstborn of his flock as sacrifices to God. The Lord accepted Abel and his offerings, but He had no regard for Cain and his offerings. Cain became angry and his face was filled with rage toward God and his brother. The Lord asked Cain why he was angry, and explained that if would do good things by God he would be accepted by Him. But if he continued in ...
Growin' Up Gregory was originally started in 2014 to chronicle what life is like raising a child in today's crazy world. As I planned to story my son's life and his growth, God took over and began to grow me so much more. This blog of a man who loves faith and family where you may find inspiring, business minded, funny, political, or off the wall posts. Note: The views expressed here are my personal views and do not represent any organization that I am, was, or will be a member of.