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2020 is Hindsight...Finally!

Wow, what a year! 2020 could literally be an entire decade, maybe more, of history, change, and lessons rolled up into these twelve months. While many aspects of 2020 were kind of sucky and we would like to forget them, it will certainly be a year to remember. And it will be enlightening when this year is looked back on in 10, 25, or 50 years to be discussed. I wonder if we'll seem like geniuses or idiots? Probably both to some extent!

While there is so much that I could consider and analyze about this year, I'll try to break some of it down into four dimensions - Physical, Spiritual, Mental, and Social/Emotional. These are events and happenings from my world and perspective and I'm trying to be open in sharing and would love to hear from others on events you found most transforming.


When COVID cause gyms to close, that messed me up. Our town and state were late to be hit with severe cases and therefore later than many across the country to close up shop. I'm not casting judgment one way or the other, just stating what I observed.

For me, I was able to semi maintain my level of fitness by running at our house. Though admittedly, that was not very safe during night time on a dark highway. But I rocked my headlamp and survived so it's all good. I also had to adjust to doing some bodyweight exercises for the short-term which was great at first. But bodyweight gets old and I was ready to switch it up and get back to the weights.

Once the state allowed gyms to reopen, I made a change that I hadn't imagined for 20 years - switching gyms. The decision wasn't made lightly but with similar costs, adequate equipment, and much more access, it was a choice I felt I had to make. And I have enjoyed the workouts and the availability of the new gym.

As with anything, change was difficult and caused some stress just with the "newness" of it all. But that's worn off and hopefully I can continue to improve my fitness and health in the coming years.


Another wow! Who would have ever thought we'd see the day in our country that even churches would close or have restricted meetings? This was something that I never saw coming. I can only speak to my spiritual journey through this time so here goes...

I was surprised when we cancelled Sunday school, more surprised when we initially cancelled services altogether. It was tough for me. I didn't realize how much I truly enjoyed teaching and interacting with the people in our class. I will say this, I believe that being forced to spend time apart has made me realize the importance of putting in that much more effort to impact those I'm able to come in contact with when we are given opportunities.

We tried Zoom a little, I sent out texts, and we did a few videos but it's just not the same. I'm not saying that we should be irresponsible and meet in close quarters (I feel it can be done safely, especially with young people). But these things serve as temporary substitutes as there's nothing like the real thing, meeting in person.

While I did not get to teach as much as I normally would have, I did get many more opportunities to preach. For the first time ever, I can now say that I have preached on a trailer to a parking lot. Honestly, it kind of felt like I was in that movie, Cars. Thankfully, we finally got back inside and I had several more opportunities to preach at TBC and a couple other places around Union. That's always fun and exciting for me while also very challenging. Many weeks I walk onto the stage feeling completely unworthy and know that I have not mastered the lessons I myself am trying to teach.


I normally relate this category to my career and professional life somewhat. 2020 seemed to be a boom or bust year for many industries. While many small businesses were forced to adhere to stringent restrictions or close altogether practically crippling their existence; grocery stores, some niche retailers, mortgage companies and others were swamped with business and could barely keep up with demand.

I don't say this without some consideration for those who struggled (whether by force or by choice), but 2020 was a record year for me. That being said, that also means that I was able to help more people save more money by lower rates and/or payments than ever before. This doesn't even take into account the ridiculous number of hours that went into PPP loans with small businesses. Those were extremely rewarding in many cases. While banks are in business to generate profits, our ultimate goal is to help our customers achieve their financial goals as well. I worked through a lot more stress than in years past, worked hours that were anything but "banker's hours," and spent more time reading and researching than I did in college...that probably explains my GPA issues.

This area also pertains to my reading, planning, and writing. I finished reading 21 books this year, that's a record for me.
Depending on the flow of life this upcoming year, I plan to stay around that same total and continue to stick to similar genres of spiritual growth, finance, and personal development. I would encourage you that if you want to start seeing breakthroughs in your life, big or small, to start reading. It's truly one of the most cost effective (cheap) ways than you can increase your potential.


Well 2020 certainly made this one a little tricky with social distancing. Our family has been fortunate enough to live our lives and attend a number of events in a relatively normal fashion. We've still done family dinners. We went on vacation, though it was certainly a little different. We were even able to have our children's birthday parties. There have been some friend events and social gatherings that have been cancelled and while that's never fun, I do understand why under certain circumstances and out of precaution.

I am continuing to grow immensely on an emotional and maturity level. I'm not tooting my own horn as I'm far from perfect here. I am still bad to type that text out that would put someone in their place, but I delete it now before sending. I'm still bad to want to make a social media post explaining my views or contrasting someone else's, but I have learned that the social media comments section isn't the place to have sensitive conversations that truly create change.  Though I do believe it is still a very powerful platform. Also that many people can't, or won't, have true open conversations online, which is fine.

My biggest takeaway in this area came from "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" in being reminded that Win/Win solutions do exist. We can both find a positive way to grow and move forward from situation. One of us doesn't have to win forcing the other to lose.

Looking Back & Ahead

2020 was a challenging year. Some people had some wins, some people had some losses, many of us had some of each. Some chose to excel in spite of everything going on in the world while others latched onto the opportunity to make excuses for what all went wrong for them this year.

I'm working on putting the goals I have in my head into writing along with the plans that it'll take to accomplish them in 2021 (hopefully over the weekend). Take some time over the next few days to recap your 2020 and begin to plan and look ahead to 2021. When we set out to live our lives in crescendo, greater things are always on the horizon.


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