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Happy New Year 2015!

Well 2014 was definitely a life changing year for me.  I like to look back at what my goals/resolutions were last year to make sure I met them and to see how I've advanced since then.  I would have to write a separate post to truly do a full review on 2014 but it's humbling to look back at what all took place last year so I'll try a quick review before getting into 2015.

In February Brittnee and I found out that were going to having a little baby boy.  You can see by the many posts that have followed regarding Thomas just how much of an impact he has had on my life.  We were blessed with getting a few snow days to play this year which is always fun.  I was able to participate in a few obstacle course races and survived those with no injuries so that's a plus.  I had a good time growing my first garden by myself this year and learned a lot about hard work but also just how rewarding it is to take something from seed to table knowing that you grew it yourself with the Lord's help.  Thomas's birth was just HUGE because no matter what people tell you about it you just don't know until you experience yourself.  Overall, 2014 was an amazing year.

My goals and challenges below are more longer term, measurable goals, than just some little new year's resolutions.  I want to be great.  To truly achieve greatness it takes time, hard work, and discipline.  Improving yourself is about progress, not perfection - "There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway

I've based most of goals lately on several categories stemming from the idea found in what I sort of consider a life verse of mine in Luke 2:52 which reads "And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men".  I consider the wisdom to be mentally, the stature to be physically, and favor with God and men to be relationally.  I like the idea of looking at goals from a spirit, mind, body stand point.

Spiritually:  Last year I challenged people to read the Bible in a year.  I took it on and completed it.  I would still encourage anyone who hasn't done it before to do it because it's an awesome sense of accomplishment you get when you complete it, and the spiritual growth you get from that daily time with God is immeasurable.  However, this year I'm not planning on reading the entire Bible.  I want to do several studies to really dig deeper into it and learn more about God's word so that's my plan.  I also am going to attempt to memorize 52 bible verses this year, that's 1 per week!  That's going to be tough but I feel it will help me to be a better witness for the Lord.  I also plan to spend more time in prayer thanking God and praying for others because honestly I have fallen off in that area some.  "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path." - Psalm 119:105

Physically:  I'm working running back into my workouts.  I had not been doing that as much so I've got to get that going since my defeat in the beast race back in October.  I went thru a good bit of back pain this past year so I know how truly thankful I should be for my health and the ability to even get up and move around some days.  It sounds so cliché but if you're not exercising you've just got to get up and start doing something.  20 mins a day, then 30 mins a day, then up to however long you can go.  Most people didn't get overweight and out of shape over night and you're not going to get skinny and back in shape over night either.  Back to my goal now, I want to finish in the top 5% of my age group in the 3 Spartan races we plan to do this coming year.  That means I've got some training to do since I barely made in the top 10% last year but hey, there is no greater motivation than defeat!

Mentally/Professionally:  This one is difficult for me to set firm goals because a lot of my potential growth at work is somewhat based on the economy.  I'm not using that as an excuse, I'm saying that I may not have to work hard to have a good year if things are just awesome and everyone refinances because of rates.  What I can focus and work on is doing my work "perfectly" with fewer exceptions and mistakes, working the small things and being disciplined in daily and weekly activities.  I believe that 2015 will be a great year for me there as long as I follow God's will and plan for my life and seek his guidance in all that I do.

Nothing magical happened last night at midnight.  So take a few days over the weekend to pray about the changes that may be needed in your life and make a plan to make those changes starting next week, or whenever that plan comes together.  Every day we wake up is a chance to start fresh.  "Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus" - Philippians 3:13-14  You can't change yesterday, but you can change tomorrow.


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