In this verse, Jesus is responding to Jewish hostility of his claims of being equal to God. This is why he says "very truly" or in some translations "truly truly". But he does not back down and he tells the people emphatically that his actions were in perfect alignment with the Father's will, thereby showing that he is equal to the Father since he does the same things the Father does.
Jesus is telling the people that he never did work independently, he always followed God's will in his activities. Shouldn't we be doing the same? If Jesus turned to God for guidance, why aren't we listening to His voice to see where He is inviting us to join Him?
This verse can be applied to parenting as well. Thomas is only 15 months old but he already copies me and Brittnee by doing what he sees us doing. Are you raising your children to do things that exhibit love, joy peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galations 5:22-23)?
Are you being a Christ-like influence on others around you? Or are we too conceited and think that we've got it all figured out? We can do nothing by ourselves, but only what the Father allow us to be able to do. So place your faith in Christ, and keep your eyes on God to see what He is doing an be prepared to join Him there.
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