We've looked at three steps to success found in the story in Luke 5:1-7, but now let's see what that success is, and better define a win. The story is below again if you'd like to read back through it. On one occasion, while the crowd was pressing in around Jesus to hear the word of God, he was standing by the lake of Gennesaret. There Jesus saw two boats but the fisherman had gone out of them and were washing their nets. Getting into one of the boats, which was Simon's, Jesus asked him to put out a little from the land. And then he sat down and taught the people from the boat. When Jesus had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch. Simon replied, "Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets." And Simon had done this, they caught a large number of fish, so many that their nets were breaking. They signaled to their partners in the othe...
Growin' Up Gregory was originally started in 2014 to chronicle what life is like raising a child in today's crazy world. As I planned to story my son's life and his growth, God took over and began to grow me so much more. This blog of a man who loves faith and family where you may find inspiring, business minded, funny, political, or off the wall posts. Note: The views expressed here are my personal views and do not represent any organization that I am, was, or will be a member of.