This is a political post. If you don't want to read it don't. It's less about the candidates and more about the media so now you know and can decide if you want to read on or not.
I'm becoming less convinced that the President actually runs this country and has the power to change things. It seems that the media (social, TV, etc.) has all the power.
The American people elected a black president twice (2008 and 2012) which tells me that race is not a major issue (yes ther...e are pockets of racism but that's another and lengthier post) and that different skin colors are being viewed with more equality across the country. Good job America. But now, 8 years later, the media says we have a race problem so guess what, people start believing we have a race problem.
Personally, I wish our next president was black, I believe that Dr. Ben Carson would have been an amazing president. He is clearly very intelligent and appears, from what I've seen and read of him, to be a man of faith in Christ. Unfortunately, based on the current polls and campaigns, that's not going to happen.
But back to my point and more proof. The media has had a field day with comments made by one candidate 11 years ago in a private 1 on 1 setting. Yet there has been much less said about the other candidate who recently (exact date unknown) is quoted as saying, "you need both a public and private position." Why is one candidate met with media barrage over a private position from 11 years ago while the other is not asked what their private positions are? And how you can be real, yet have two different stances on the same issue? In high school, we called that two-faced.
So media, you have a few more weeks to sell add space, articles, and stories, then you will become a little less relevant until the next big thing happens. But in the meantime, if you want to be biased, then man up and endorse a candidate and don't claim to be neutral. You have the power, what will you do with it?
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