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Election 2016 - National & Some Local

I've prayed about this and thought about it, and still am unsure if it's worth posting or not.  But these are my thoughts and feelings on the current elections and questions on my sample ballot.  That's the first thing, please take a look at what all will be on your ballot BEFORE you go to the polls, or at least before you step into the booth to cast your vote.  These are important decisions and can sometimes require much thought and understanding before you can accurately cast your vote the way you intend.  Let's start at the bottom of the ballot and work up to the top. 

- Must a one percent sales and use tax be levied in Union County for the purpose of allowing a credit against a taxpayer's county and municipal ad valorem tax liability and for the purpose of funding county and municipal operations in the Union County area?  You will then either vote in favor of (yes), or opposed to (no).
- My thoughts.  I'm in favor of a sales tax increase.  Look, nobody likes tax increases period.  Me, you, nobody.  But let's look at the facts here.  The county has already imposed a fee last year, and increase millage this year to cover these costs.  The money will be collected so now it just comes down to how do we want to pay it?  Sales tax is, in my opinion, a fair user tax.  If you buy goods, you pay a tax.  And here's the "win" for Union.  If someone passing through or visiting buys goods, they pay the tax that money stays right here in Union.  It is an opportunity to generate revenue for Union County without having to tax property owners in the county to cover the costs of EMS.  I'm sure there are other opinions and thoughts concerning this issue but these are mine based on the information and knowledge I currently have.

- US House District 05
- Fran Person:  I have seen very little on him so I had to do some digging.  His views seem very along the line between democrat and republican.  He supports investing in education and bringing jobs back to South Carolina.  He plans to continue to defend social security and Medicare. 
- Mick Mulvaney:  He has introduced a bill to create term limits for congress members.  He voted against Obamacare.  He has introduced measures to ensure a balanced budget.
- John:  I actually like both of these guys.  I almost wish they were running for different offices.  That being said, I do lean towards Mulvaney.  That's tough because I do like that Person is running for congress being praised as a trusted bi-partisan candidate, and while we are the same age, kind of inspires me.  But Mulvaney has experience in the position and has voted the way I would have if I were there.  Plus, he has a staff member who lives in Union so for those of us who live here that's a plus to me.

- Honestly, most of our (Union) local elections, we are so blessed to have two good candidates.  I do have my personal preferences but as I've had conversations with others regarding these, often times local elections become popularity contests so I'll stay out of those for now.  I just encourage you to look at people's policies, and honestly their families too.  Because I believe that how they have managed their family is how they will manage their role for us as well.

-  Before this post gets too long, let's just get to the big one, president.  First, let's take a look at where both Clinton and Trump stand on particular issues, then I'll share my thoughts.
- Clinton:  Plans to appoint liberal justices in favor of abortion.
- Trump:  Plans to appoint justices with reverence for the Constitution, and has been critical of decisions permitting abortion.
- John:  Recently the Supreme Court has attempted to override the laws of God.  Man's law about life and abortion cannot be changed by a court, God's Word says it's wrong, period.  The Constitution was written by our founding fathers, they built this country for us to live in, not tear down.  I give Trump the edge here.

- Clinton:  She suggests that women’s abortion rights supersede religious liberty, saying: “Deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”  On public expression, Clinton opposes the practice of bakers, photographers and other business owners declining services for samesex weddings due to faith-based reasons.
- Trump:  Said, "Religious freedom [is] the right of people of faith to freely practice their faith."  Trump has vowed to protect Christians.
- John:  Christians and Christianity has been under attack for far too long in America.  We were founded by people who believed in our Creator, and based on the freedom to worship.  I am a Christian.  You don't have to be, and I won't attack you if you aren't.  But I should be not persecuted for my beliefs either.  Trump wins this one for me too.

- Clinton:  She supports Roe v Wade and the woman's right to make that decision.  She would restrict, but not prohibit, late term abortions.  She also believes in taxpayers funding Planned Parenthood, the abortion giant.
- Trump:  He hates the idea of abortion, and has evolved from being pro-choice.  He is against late term abortion with the exception of rape, incest, or threat of the mother's life.  He would not fund the abortion segment of Planned Parenthood with taxpayer money but may fund non-abortion segments.
- John:  I am pro-choice, but I am strongly against abortion.  When a woman makes a choice to have sex, she made a choice to potentially have a child.  Your choice was made.  I also do not believe that taxpayer money should be used to fund something that defiantly against many people's beliefs.  Trump again has the edge for me.

- Clinton:  Believes we must be prepared to go after terrorists with all the tools at our disposal.  Also believes that the Iran nuclear deal should be approached with a "distrust but verify" approach.
- Trump:  Believes in fighting fire with fire when it comes to terrorists.  He believes that the Iran nuclear deal is a bad deal for America.
- John:  Honestly I don't know enough about the Iran deal to really comment on it.  I hope that both would act upon what they say when it comes to terrorists.  They have attacked us, changed our lives since 9/11/2001, and caused a sense of fear at times throughout America.  I'd say toss up.

I've shared some facts (to the best of my knowledge and research) and my personal opinions on the candidates.  I'm not debating, I just want people to understand why I'll be voting the way I am.  The media and candidates push names, slogans, and one liners out there, but the real reason for you and I to vote for someone is for who they are as a person and where they stand on the real issues.  It's important to know WHO you will vote for, but it's equally important to know WHY.

Whooooo, hopefully that gets all this election stuff out of system.  See y'all November 8th.


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