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Is Everything Fixable? My Thoughts on Health Care

I'm sure that many people are reading and hearing the news that the republican backed health care reform bill is pretty much dead.  Before I even begin to wade into this subject, let me first admit that much like some of our politicians I have not read the entire republican health care bill nor the previously adopted Obamacare bill (cheap shot I know but wanted to be clear I don't have ALL the facts). 

No one likes our current health care system.  Patients complain, insurance agents complain, and doctors complain about it.  People are paying higher insurance premiums, insurance companies are having to raise premiums in an effort to stay afloat, and doctors and hospitals are making less money.  Well if more money is going in and less money is coming out, where is it going?  My guess, personal assumption, hunch, whatever you want to call it is that there are many more government forms, fees, and regulations which are driving up costs for all of the above.  Does that sound like a good reason to pay higher insurance premiums as an individual?  Or to have your boss tell you that he planned to give you a raise but your insurance went up 50% so that money is going there.  That's what's happening around the country right now.

Health care is an EXTREMELY complex issue.  I work in finance so I really do not fully understand the "health" side of health care but I do understand business.  If you take out a loan with our bank and don't pay it back, you don't get another loan with us.  It doesn't work that way in the health system as lifesaving care must be provided to individuals who need it no matter the cost based on my understanding of ER policies.  Health care has become so much of a blend of government provided service and private industry that no one can really tell which one should be calling the shots or making the money anymore.  I don't know the best answer to that at this point either as that would require much more research and information than what I am privileged to.

One of the wisest men who ever lived, Solomon, wrote in Ecclesiastes 1:15, "What is crooked cannot be made straight."  Maybe in the future we find a private or government solution for our current health care issues.  Maybe it's some blend of what we've tried, or maybe we should just scrap it and start over.  But maybe it will just stay broken forever.  Sometimes despite man's greatest efforts, without divine revelation or intervention some crooked matters just remained un-straightened .

I hate when people only point out problems without offering solutions, but unfortunately that's all I can really do on this issue because I'm not an expert in the field.  Before I'm attacked or someone says that I don't know what I'm talking about, let me share this analogy:  I drive my truck regularly.  If it begins to not run right I can tell when something is wrong with it.  Though I may not know how to fix it, I do know there's a problem so I take it to a mechanic...much like we need to do with our current health care system. 
P.S. - How bad would Congress try to fix the problem if they had to trust the brakes in the truck?


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