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State of the Union

I'm not the president.  I'm not even actually in politics.  And I'm not quite 35 years old which puts me in the generation called Millennials.  And I would like to share with you what I perceive to be the true state of our country right now on three major issues.  Yes, there are more issues but I'll start by attempting to tackle these three first.

Gun Control
As a young man living in this country, where do I stand on gun control?  I believe that some households need three guns.  You need a handgun/pistol for personal protection to carry or have hidden in your home, a rifle for big game hunting (i.e. deer), and you need a shotgun for small game hunting (i.e. rabbits, birds, turkey etc.).  Does any one NEED an AR-15?  Honestly, I believe that if you feel like you need, not want, an AR-15 in your closet that your life or your neighborhood is a bit too dangerous for me.  Now with that being said, can you WANT an AR-15?  Absolutely.  Do I believe that if you are a responsible gun owner than you should be allowed to own/collect as many as you want?  Yes.

Does everyone need a gun?  No.  Not everyone hunts or has the training, be it from a friend or professional, to safely operate a gun.  I have friends that love to fish.  They have countless fishing rods.  If you don't fish, you likely have no desire to own a fishing rod.  But that does not mean that I shouldn't be allowed to own and use one safely.

It's sad that gun control has become so polarizing of a political issue.  And right now politics and social media have some of you so confused you don't know what you stand for.  Many of the people who love the new "farm to table" foods and restaurants are anti guns.  Look guys, I love to catch a catfish and take him from "lake to frying pan."  It doesn't get much better than that.  Or to kill a deer and take it from "woods to jerky."  You get to see and experience the entire harvesting process in that aspect.  Whether it's a tomato, a crappie, or a rabbit, the method is the same - harvest, process, consume.  Don't try to apply principles to one area like it doesn't relate to others in that same aspect.

This past week there was a mass shooting at a Florida high school.  Instead of being concerned for the families suffering loss, the students across our country traumatized and fearful now, or even the salvation of the shooter, we are worried about the president, guns, and guards at schools.  Yes, I want schools safe.  And while gun control is a factor in that equation, I believe our moral compass as a country will do more to correct that problem than telling me what kind and how many guns I can own.

Faith & Religion
Which leads to my next topic, faith and religion.  Did you hear this week about the news anchor who called someone retarded over their religious beliefs?  It's not an alleged comment or a deleted tweet, they caught it on camera.  And thus far she hasn't been fired, fined, or even reprimanded.  How is she getting away with such refusal to accept someone's personal beliefs, especially when they weren't doing anything to harm her? 

Oh wait, I know why.  It's because she called our current Vice President mentally ill because he is a Christian and claims to hear from Jesus.  Why are all other religions in this country protected by the government except Christianity?  ...................I'll wait....................

The only religion that I have even seen the Freedom From Religion Foundation (oddly enough a non-profit which fights the tax privileges of churches) attack is Christianity.  Why so?  Is it because they fear radical groups that will literally kill you by any means necessary if you persecute them?  Or is it because you know that the only true religion, the only true place that someone can get real power from is placing their faith in Jesus Christ?

Christianity does not need protecting from the government.  Heck, if Jesus had received government protection from Pilate, God's great plan of His Son's death to pay the price of our sins would have gone awry.  God's people don't need protecting, but can you at least not call us mentally ill?  That's just not nice.

I am blessed in my career to work with a number of customers on many different income levels.  Do you know what separates those drawing less than $1,000 per month to those making nearly a half million per year?  It's not age, sex, race, or religion.  Most often, it is how smart and how hard working that individual is.  When Thomas was born, I read countless statistics on the impact of reading to children during their first three years.  If I recall correctly, a child's brain is 85% developed by the age of 3.  Education doesn't start once your child is in school.  I believe it is our responsibility as a parent to be talking to, engaging with, and reading to our child(ren) from birth until forever actually.

Teachers are hired to teach.  They have a book with certain information, facts, and skills that their job is to imprint those into the brains of the children in their class.  However, many teachers today are being forced to deal with issues beyond the classroom - children playing on social media during class, being tired from working jobs, bullying, lack of discipline, and family issues at home.  These issues, and others, prevent teachers from being able to do their jobs - inputting information and knowledge into the minds of students.  As parents, we need to do our jobs in the homes preparing our children for school so that teachers can do their job in the schools and educate our children.  That will free teachers up to truly teach and allow young people the opportunity to learn how to best advance themselves later in life.

Our nation is great, not as great as we once were, nor hopefully as great as we will become.  But we live in a great nation nonetheless.  If you doubt that, look at the freedoms and luxuries that many of us enjoy compared to other countries around the world.  Do we have some problems?  Yes.  Are they hopeless?  No.  What will it take to make the needed changes that many are calling for in country today?  It will take me.  It will take you.  It will take us coming together....and God, don't leave Him out.  God bless America, please!


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