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An Inconvenient Christmas

Christmas 2018 has not gone as planned.  But don't feel sorry for me, it has still been a blessing.  We didn't even make it to Christmas weekend before plans went awry. 

Friday afternoon, Britt called me at work to let me know she was taking Aubree to the doctor only to find out that she has RSV and needed to avoid being around anyone 2 and under until Wednesday.  Yes the day after Christmas, Wednesday the 26th.  And on top of that, she was still in bed when I had gone to work that morning and with them at the doctor and me doing some elf work when I got home, she was back in bed before I got to see her.  So here I am, waiting on Christmas, and didn't even get to see my sweet, sick baby girl on Friday.  

Then Saturday morning began rather poorly.  Mom's eye was throbbing and she was in a great amount of pain and couldn't see out of it again.  I don't do doctors, but thankfully my sister does.  So at 7 something Saturday morning, I headed to Spartanburg to take Mom to Kat's house so she could go handle the medical issues.  Long story short, her eye was infected and required another surgery which became an all day affair.  Thankfully, for now, the pain seems to be subsiding so hopefully we are on the right track there.  But it doesn't help when the matriarch of the family is semi out of commission on Christmas which is almost like her Super Bowl lol.

On to Sunday.  I went to church....alone.  That felt so wrong on Christmas Sunday.  So wrong that we may be starting some new family traditions next year.  Thomas had gone to a Christmas party with his Gamma and to help keep him away form Aubree.  And Britt had kept Aubree at home since she was sick.  The day could have been shot if I had allowed a bad attitude to creep in.  But how can you get down this time of year?  We are celebrating the birth of the reason for our hope in this world!  So after church, I was able to head home and Britt got to make it to Lockhart for a Christmas celebration we thought we would have to skip but she and Thomas were able to make it.  So what'd I do?  Well, remember how I didn't get to see Aubree on Friday.  Guess who got to spend all afternoon with "Girl Girl."  We rode toy cars around the den, played in the floor, and watch Mickey Mouse (even during Week 16 of Fantasy Football).  

In a way, I sort of got my Christmas wish - not having to travel to 6 different places in two days.  Unfortunately, I didn't get to see all of our family members, but I did get to spend a lot more quality time with my little family than I would have with the schedule we had set.  And deep down, I am truly thankful for that.  

This got me thinking about the inconvenience of Christmas and if it was wrong or meant we weren't doing something right.  But consider how inconvenient the first Christmas was:
-  I doubt a 9 month pregnant Mary wanted to travel 90 miles by foot or donkey for a census
-  I know that as a husband, Joseph, didn't want to make a journey like that with a 9 month pregnant wife
-  And any mothers out there who would prefer to give birth outside in a barn/manger instead of a sanitary hospital?  Not very convenient.  

You see, Christmas never was meant to be convenient.  It was meant to be special.  The first one was special for all those who saw baby Jesus and all of us since who have believed in Him.  Your season may not be convenient, but I truly hope that you can find a way to see the beauty and meaning in this time of year.  Merry Christmas everyone!


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