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Generational Advice

This year will mark the first time that the students on the Jr. Board of Directors the bank sponsors in our local high school are half my age. Yes, half. I said it, and it hurts. I'm getting old, which beats the alternative so I'll do my best to embrace it. That being said, I want to share some advice, tips, and insights I've gained over the years with Gen Y, Gen Z, iGen, and others coming along.
  1. People matter more than devices. New phones, computers, and other gadgets will continue to be released and evolve at the speed of light. Value your friends, your family, your mentors, and the people in your community because machines can only contribute so much to your life. TI > AI (true intelligence is greater than artificial intelligence).
  2. Be mindful of what you put on social media. The comments, posts, and pictures you share may not be as private as you think. Employers, colleges, and even peers may hold your past against you. Don't let your 17 year old self cost your 37 year old self an esteemed position. Be young, have fun, but don't be stupid.
  3. Get a real email address. I don't care if you use hotmail, yahoo, gmail, or any other email platform - I'm talking about the user name (first part before the @). Pinkbritt, CuteGirl, BigJohnStud, or BigSexyHair may be funny now and will likely bring back some good memories when you look back at them. But your potential boss, loan officer, board member, etc. doesn't need to see you as being silly or immature once you fully reach adulthood and you're applying for jobs or other business opportunities.
  4. Utilize voicemail. Set up a respectable voicemail. It doesn't have to be automated with just your name or number (I prefer your actual voice) and it doesn't have to be all prim and proper either. But it needs to be more than "Sup?" "Holla at ya boy!" "Yo yo yo!" Give someone a chance to leave you a message without giving them a negative impression of you. And the USE your voicemail. 1) Set one up. 2) Check it regularly. 3) Leave messages for people. In this telemarketer and scam calling age, many of us don't return calls we don't recognize.
  5. Work hard. Life is not fair. Hopefully your parents have told you this. If not, the world will. It sucks. But if you want something, you best be willing to work for it and hope opportunities for success present themselves.
  6. Saying "please" and "thank you" never go out of style. No matter the situation, you can never go wrong by following a request up with please or by responding to an act of kindness with a simple thank you.
  7. No one is a true overnight success. Some people or ideas may go "viral" and get a few minutes of fame without much effort. But often, their spoils are like lottery winners and they are gone shortly thereafter. A lot of what it seems took weeks to accomplish, took people years to achieve. Be patient and trust the process.
  8. Have a rock. No, not a pet rock. Something that you can lean on when hard times hit. Bad things are going to happen - you will lose a loved one, your education or career may go off track, any number of things may happen that could shake you to your core. Be sure your core is solid. For me, that's faith in Christ. Yours may be something else but I'd recommend Him.
  9. Be humble. There are tons of quotes and reminders out there reminding people to be confident. That's a good thing. But as you transition out of the "I Know Everything Phase" (15 - 25 for me) into the - "Wow I Can Learn a Lot From Them Phase" be humble enough to listen and engage in conversation and discussions. You have so much room to grow when you're not the smartest person at the table. Some of my greatest opportunities came from sitting at tables I don't even know how I got invited to. It's there, where I learned to be quiet and soak it in. You'll have a chance to shine and show what you know but today's not it yet.
  10. But remain confident. Don't let your youth hold you back from pursuing greatness. When I considered a political position, I was put in touch with someone else young who had just gotten in. Come to find out, he's 10 years younger! Age does not determine your wisdom - some of us work at a different pace. I have now done business deals with people who used to teach and mentor me. When someone established chooses to work with (young and getting started) you, let that strengthen your confidence.
  11. Be kind. You will make mistakes in your schooling, your career, and your relationships. When you do, apologize and do everything you can to make it right. To quote someone I've learned a lot from over the years, "Manners matter!"
  12. Don't stress high school too much. Games, parties, relationships, and friendships will each seem like the most important thing in the world during these years. In reality, many of these will fade away. This may be good or bad depending on your success or popularity during school. Enjoy these times, make a few memories, and learn a lot of lessons. 
Business is changing, school is changing, communication is changing, life is changing. The way my parents grew up is different from the way they raised me. I'm raising my kids different than I was raised and they will almost certainly raise theirs differently. It doesn't mean one way is better or worse. It's the world that we live in today. I'm still figuring things out myself and welcome any tips or insights from younger and older generations.
What would you tell the high school you?


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