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The Proof is in the Pudding

Celebrity endorsements pretty much dominate advertising today.  Some athletes even make as much money (if not more) from their endorsement deals at they do from their performance contracts.  But what real connection is there between a professional QB and the socks we can buy?  Or a star basketball player and the deodorant you or I use?  Not much.

However, when a friend tells us about something they used that was a good deal, a great product, or fantastic service, it carries a little more weight and gets our attention.

As true as this statement is for clothing, credit cards, or even shampoo, it is infinitely more true of our faith that we have in Jesus Christ.  You can tell people books to read or popular pastors to listen to that can help convince them or strengthen their faith.  But ultimately, their choice will most often come down to how they've seen it lived out in your life, not some distant stranger's.

In Acts 26, the Bible gives us one example of a personal testimony that can serve as a template for us to lay ours out.  Keep in mind too that this was not Paul trying to convince a friend, or even a stranger, to believe in Jesus; he was trying to convince them that his belief in Jesus didn't make him a criminal deserving of death.  That kind of puts many of conversations about Christ in perspective doesn't it.

Testimony Tips

  1. Be respectful of your audience.  Paul considered his story a "defense" but was still very respectful and even somewhat flattering as he approached King Agrippa.
  2. Begin with your life before Christ (BC).  Share with the person details about your life before you came to Christ.  You want to be sure not to glorify the lifestyle or mistakes you made previously, but they need to know the stories are real.  Paul used a little less than 20% of the chapter to talk about his BC life which is a good model for many of us.
  3. Adapt the narrative to the audience.  This does not mean to change your story.  It does mean that I include details that make my story relevant or interesting to those I'm speaking with.  Paul used the phrase, "hard for you to kick against the goads," which was not included in his previous testimonies.  He pointed out a detail that was relevant to his current audience.
  4. Your testimony should emphasize Christ.  You're not sharing your testimony so people follow you.  Your testimony is to lead them to follow Christ.  Talk about what Christ has done in your life, how He's changed you, how He's blessed you, how He's strengthened you.  
  5. Be brave.  It takes courage to open up and share our life with others, especially others who may look down upon us to judge us.  But it is in these courageous moments that great things happen.  Paul was defending himself against a king who could recommend life or death.  If your buddy gets upset about you not wanting to go somewhere or do something because of your faith, maybe it really isn't that big of a deal.
Skeptics can choose to ignore the resurrection since they haven't seen it, but they can't ignore the change and impact Christ has had in your life.  Your story can make a difference in the lives of people around you.  Work on it and be willing to share it when and where God leads you to. 


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