Our priorities will determine our destination. Where do you want to be?
Cory Carlson wrote a book where he discussed The 5 Capitals. The first, and most important, is Spiritual. The greatest commandment is to love God. You've got to get your relationship with God right before anything else will work out well.
He gives us wisdom and direction when we seek Him. Jesus modeled this as well. In Mark 1, Jesus got up early, slipped away from his disciples to go have some quiet time with his father. A little while later they came looking for him. Jesus was popular at the time and the people wanted more of him - they wanted more healings, more casting out of demons, and more of his teaching.
But Jesus knew that He couldn't keep performing miracles without hitting pause and reconnecting with His Father. And we have to remember to do that too. We need the rest, quiet, and solitude to recharge our mind and spirit. But this time with God may also provide us a new direction (or it could revive and old one).
Focus on your spiritual capital this week. I'll share more on Relational, Physical, Intellectual, and Financial in the coming weeks.
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