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Drinkin' Downtown

A zoning ordinance that would allow a bar or tavern to open on Main Street has been in the news for Union recently.  There has been a significant amount of both strong support and strong opposition to this considered amendment.  I am still attempting myself to figure out and comprehend ALL of the facts but here is what I have come to so far.

1.  It my current understand that the present ordinance ALLOWS a restaurant to open on Main Street and serve alcohol.  This misconception is being passed around that alcohol sales are not permitted at all in the City of Union.  You may open a restaurant (key part first) that is focused on food yet serves alcohol.  You may not open a bar or tavern whose primary purpose is the sale and consumption of alcohol.  I have not read all 80 pages of the City's zoning ordinance book online but based on conversations I have had with people that is what I currently understand to be the law.  If I am wrong in that, several of my points must change as well and I will attempt to update them all.

2.  To those against the sale of alcohol:  Let's keep in mind that alcohol is not banned from the City.  There are several liquor stores and convenience stores which sell alcohol located directly on and right off of Main Street.  If your opposition is just now coming up, I believe you either just learned of these places (not sure why not before) or you want to create a scene or spectacle of some sort.  Some of these stores have been open for decades and I have rarely heard of any amendment recommendations to have them closed.  So I cannot accept that your sole reason is purely the sale of alcohol in the city limits.

3.  To those for the sale of alcohol:  Research the current ordinances as they are.  If a restaurant that sells alcohol is allowed, then open one to start and play within the rules.  Don't go for the homerun when a single will keep your team alive.  There is a brewery in Gatlinburg that our family goes to almost annually.  I have had a drink there.  I have also had their burgers.  They are amazing.  Our entire family, children, parents and all go.  It's a family atmosphere place with no one acting belligerent or stumbling around hammered.  Start there.  Show that you can successfully run and operate a business that sells alcohol without having fights, disturbances, and legal issues.  Once you show that the citizens can enjoy the venue and be safe there, then request permission to step up to a place that is primarily a brewery or tavern or whatever it is that you want.  If the community gets on board, the elected officials will have to...or the next elected officials will.  This also allows for law enforcement to track vital statistics of crime that could potentially increase with these sales as well.

4.  Personally, I'm fine with a restaurant selling beer, wine, drinks, spirits, whatever you want to call it with meals.  I work on Main Street so the idea of a bar or tavern right nearby is a little worrisome.  However, the idea of a nice restaurant that I could meet a client or my wife at after work with a glass of wine or nice cocktail is a good option in my opinion.  And honestly, it seems hypocritical of an ordinance that would allow me to bring alcohol to let's say a wedding reception at Main Street Junction (very nice place) and give it away for people to consume.  But yet a restaurant which is required to adhere to ABC laws and regulations cannot sell alcohol to these same responsible adults?

We need a more clear understanding of the current ordinance.  Don't give me the legal mumbo jumbo, break it down for me into what it actually means and let the elected officials, current business owners, residents, and prospected business owners know clearly what the current law is.  Then, we can actually have an intelligent discussion about what is best for Union and our future.


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