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Why Union?

Tuesday at Rotary, we heard from Steve Aldrich, the Director of Manufacturing Operations at Haemonetics about the new expansion at their production facility here in Union.  If I recall the statement correctly, they will be adding 100+ total jobs in several different areas to fully staff the new expansion.  It was also mentioned that Gestamp and Standard Textile are continuing to look for more workers as well.  And there is also a groundbreaking scheduled for Thursday on a new 100,000 square foot spec building that the County will be marketing towards bringing another large business to Union.

For the first time in a long time, likely since many of the textile mills were running strong, Union is not hurting for jobs.  We are hurting for workers.  There are many good jobs in Union County.  If you live here, I encourage you to go look for one.  If you live in a neighboring county, I encourage you to look for one here.  And then if you like it, I hope that you will stay a little while and consider moving to Union.

Now, is Union perfect?  No, we have our fair share of problems.  Do we have the best roads?  No, there are bridges that need attention and potholes around town.  But our hometown road crews work their tails off to clear the main roads of snow, ice, and other debris when we have severe weather.  And the local governments respond pretty quickly when asked (and funded) to make repairs.

Do we have the best schools?  No, we have received some rather low grades based on what I could find online, but that doesn't tell the story of the Union County Schools that I know.  We have some employees in the school system who are truly living legends.  Their devotion to making their students into better people is uncanny.  And I know many smart successful people who have graduated from the schools around our county and their "poor ole Union education" hasn't held them back a bit.  I believe our schools are like many around the state, they have some strengths and some weaknesses, it just depends on who you ask and what their opinion in.  Education systems are difficult to truly measure because test scores don't tell the whole story.

Do we have the best homes and neighborhoods?  No, likely won't be winning any awards there either.  But we do have a ton of options within a reasonable distance that offer nice neighborhoods, median level city housing, younger neighborhoods, older neighborhoods, and even spacious country homes with land.  The housing market is hotter in Union that I recall it being in the past 10 years.  I think most of my realtor friends are asking for listings online instead of just pushing the stale ones that have been out there for a year now.  And our cost of living is amazing.  I talked to a client the other day about homes in Charlotte where prices are $300-$400 per square foot.  While that sounds good if you're selling, it won't buy you very much and drives prices through the roof.

I believe that small towns like Union are the best places to raise a family.  We do have crime, but avoid much of the worst criminal behavior around - this is why our town is so shaken when something horrific does happen here.  We don't have every amenity in the world, but that also keeps our taxes and fees for those services lower - all those nice parks and events centers aren't cheap.  We don't have every business that we desire honestly, but we have several large cities and attractions within an hour drive without all the constant traffic.  We don't have much, and thankfully, we don't need it.  Because we have what matters, our faith and our families.

So if you're looking for a place to work, to live, to grow, why Union?  Because as a community, we are primed to start seeing more jobs, increased housing values, and continued improving higher education.  While we have our history, some of which isn't all good, we have a bright future that we are focusing on and working towards.  We can become better or become worse.  The people here, you and me, are the ones who will determine that.  I'm all in.  Your move.


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