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South Carolina - Where Size Doesn't Matter

During our drive home from the beach last week, everyone dozed off for a little while and I actually had some quiet time to just look around, think, and reflect.  Maybe you're like me and your mind often goes into a deep thinking mode after vacations, or maybe not.  But during those few hours on the road and those few moments of peace and quiet I started thinking.

I could have thought about all the problems that this state has.  I could have considered where we rank in employment, in education, in roads, in welfare, or in any other area that the so called experts who rank states show South Carolina near the bottom nationally.  But after hearing what a friend shared today, I don't want to focus on that.  There are enough people focused on the negative.  I'm not saying let's ignore our problems and hope they go away.  I'm just saying that is highly unlikely that my blog is going to convince a judge, politician, or state official to change a rule or law and fix something based on what I said.  

So let's look at the positives that our state has.  The United States has approximate land area of 3,800,000 square miles (Wikipedia) and South Carolina has just over 30,000 square miles (SCIWAY).  That means that we make up less than 1% of the USA when it comes to land size.  But guess what, this is a case where size really doesn't matter, and here's why.

We truly make the most of our limited space.  What other state our size can boast miles of shoreline, lakes, rivers, forests, parks, and mountains?  Think about it.  Most states are known for one or the other, not all.  We have amazing towns and cities like Myrle Beach, Murrells Inlet, Charleston and more along the Atlantic Ocean.  We have over 30 lakes and reservoirs in smaller towns and counties across our state which serve both natural and recreational areas for fishing, boating, and other activities.  We have lower elevation mountains in the foothills up near the North Carolina border which according to one website, "boasts some of the best backcountry wilderness that the southeast has to offer."  

We have a huge advantage over many states when it comes to businesses and I think we are finally starting to see that.  The port in Charleston and the inland port in Greer give us a manufacturing and shipping advantage that many states don't have by having both located here.  And it benefits us all by having these companies and industries in the areas.  They bring in jobs, which bring in tax dollars, people, and eventually other opportunities for all of us.  

And the people of SC are not like the rest around our country, we are so much more amazing.  I don't want to bring up old wounds, but we all remember that horrific church shooting at Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston in 2015.  Dylan Roof went into their prayer meeting and eventually opened fire killing nine church members and drastically affecting the lives of many more.  This incident could have set off a storm of religious or racial disturbance and unrest as other shootings have done.  But the grieving families of Emmanuel AME did what few are strong enough to do.  They forgave and sought peace and prayer, not hate and vigilante justice.  The housing and business developments and the natural attractions that we have in South Carolina are great, but what really separates us, is the people.  It's you, me, and those around us who care for our neighbors because sometimes our neighbors are all we've got.

South Carolina has a lot to offer.  You can live in a big city or a small town.  You can live in the mountains or near the beach.  You can live in a happening vibrant spot or settle into one of our quiet quaint little towns.  It's up to you.  But before you judge our state based on what some "experts" say about it, at least give us a test drive and come visit some of the places and attractions that we have.  You may just find we have some great little secrets that are for residents only that we don't let the outside experts in on.


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