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Reading the Instructions

Reading the instructions - it's not what most men are known for.  It's also not what I expected to take over my prayers this week.  Our opening question for this week's Sunday school lesson is, "When have you really needed clear instructions?"  Over the past 6 days, my answer has gone from needing the specifics I need from my wife when caring for our children her way (she's the way better parent of us by the way) to truly asking God for specifics about upcoming opportunities in my life.

Look, prayer works.  Forgive me for not earlier sharing this observation - "When I pray, things just go smoother."  Try it.  Maybe things actually work themselves out better.  Or maybe I just have a greater sense of peace because I'm more in line with God.  Either way, I'll take it.  Back to my original point.

Like the writer of the lesson, I am not the most 'handy' or 'craftsman' inclined guy in the room.  If you laid a pile of wood, metal, screws, and tools in front of me and asked me to build something, it would probably look like what our 5 year old creates with random Legos.  However, if you give me a clear set of instructions (usually with some pictures), I can typically follow along and complete the project successfully.  What's the difference in the end results?  It wasn't the materials or my skill level - the only change was that I was given proper instructions to be followed.

Life is a lot like that.  It's hard.  It's even harder and messier without proper instructions.  But we have been given an instruction book which offers guidance on a number of levels - the Bible.

In Psalm 19, David gives us three points that reveal how the Bible can help us not only survive, but to thrive in this life that we have been given.

1.  V7 - "The instruction of the Lord is perfect."  I've started reading more lately, but most books have only one or two key focuses, deal with current economic trends, or only help a certain area of your life.  But the Bible gives us lessons on money, parenting, marriage, work, and much more.  It's principles are not based on trends and never go out of date or lose effectiveness from one generation or culture to another.

2.  V7 - "The testimony of the Lord is trustworthy."  God's word offers us depths of information on every major aspect of our lives.  No, the Bible doesn't offer specifics such as if your name is Abraham you have to marry a girl named Sarah and name your son Isaac.  But it does offer guidance of the type of spouse to look for.  And maybe you never had kids, it teaches about parenting.  Maybe you've never been in a leadership position, it gives guidance on how to lead any organization.  Maybe you're being tempted, it tells you how to overcome those challenges too.

3.  V8 - "The command of the Lord is radiant, making the eyes light up."  How many of us get down on ourselves when we begin comparing ourselves to others?  We look at how much money someone makes, how nice their car is, how big their house is, the clothes their kids wear, or the vacations they take their family on.  No one is Facebooking or Instagramming their problems, their stresses, or their credit card balances!  God doesn't want us comparing ourselves with each other.  Scripture encourages us to measure ourselves up against the standard, Jesus, in hopes that we can be more like Him.

As my response to the opening question about needing clear instructions began to shift from my semi-joking response of help with the kids to real deal answers I wanted from God, I began to realize where they would be found.  My answers, and yours, can both be found in the same place - the Bible.  The lessons are there in the stories, the commandments, and other words of wisdom.  King David (the one who killed Goliath) greatest mistakes weren't because he didn't know any better.  They were because he didn't follow the instructions.

One story the writer shared was that of a man who was offered a new job opportunity making more money.  But he read Proverbs 11:14, "Without guidance, a people fall, but with many counselors there is deliverance."  He realized that he had not consulted with anyone else for this decision.  He reached out to three Christian friends, listened to their advice, and ended up declining the job opportunity.  Shortly after, he received an unexpected promotion at work and realized how disastrous the other offer would have been.  Reading God's word and listening to His voice will always leave you feeling blessed.

I don't know how much you read the Bible or if you read it at all.  But what I do know, is how much reading the instructions have helped me not to screw my life up too bad.  And I hope you will consider doing the same before the next major threat or opportunity comes your way.


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