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The New Normal

When all of this COVID, Coronavirus, and pandemic talk first started, I literally got sick of hearing the phrase, "the new normal."  I heard sermons preached talking about what is normal.  I even preached one that I titled, "The Next Normal."  But what if these "new normal" people are actually onto something?

When I was growing up, a normal summer consisted of a lot of time with Mom.  She was a school teacher so we were all out for several (probably stressful) months together.  She, my brother, and sister would spent countless hours at the pool and make several trips each year to stay at my aunt's house in the lower part of the state, about 30 minutes from the beach.  That was normal for me.

But now, 30ish years or so later, life for my children (and their precious little grandchildren) looks very different - almost like there's a new normal in town.  

My parents worked hard, sacrificed, and saved for years before purchasing a lake house in 2010 - prior to any of my children were born.  I've always enjoyed the lake...I just never got to enjoy it much.  You see, lake trips weren't normal for us growing up.  I can remember going 2-3 times as a child high school age and younger.  We had a blast riding boats, tubing, fishing, whatever was on the agenda for the day.  When I was in college, I purchased a jet ski (like all smart kids with a little cash do) so my friends started inviting me down each July 4th so we could all ride.  

Fast forward to 2020.  My children know regular lake trips as being perfectly normal - boat rides, tubing, knee boarding, fishing all day are all routine and perfectly normal activities to them.  It's all they've known their entire lives.  Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day = Lake Weekends.  Britt even knows that if friends ask us about doing something on those weekends, if it's not at the lake, you can all but count me out.  That's not to mention the other sunny summer weekends, or cool fall and spring mornings when it's perfect fishing weather to sit on the dock and just relax hoping to land a big one while sipping on a cup of coffee or playing a game of cards.  

This is just one example of a "new normal" that our family is able to experience now because of the sacrifice of those who put in work before us.  And yes, it inspires and motivates me to work harder and do more to make sure that the new normal for my kids and grandkids is even more enjoyable and attainable.

What "new normal" are you bringing to your family during your generation?  Is it...
  • Yes, we can graduate from high school.
  • Yes, we can go to college - dare I say it, even debt free.
  • Yes, we can plan for an early retirement.
  • No, we don't have to stress about the mortgage or power bill this month.
  • Yes, you'll always have a meal at home (it may not be what your little sassy tail wants but it's food so you won't starve).
  • Yes, we can travel the world as family.
  • Yes, we can buy a vacation home.
How you grew up is not how you have to raise the next generation.  The goal for every generation should be for us to elevate our children to where their starting point is where we left off.  I like to think of it this way - when I'm gone, I want my children to pick up from standing on my shoulders.  If they have to start from the same ground level I did, that's my fault.  Their normal will be predicated on the effort and choices that I make today.  

What "new normal" are you creating for your loved ones?


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