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The Courtesy Car

I don't know how many people have ever bought a brand new, or nearly new, car from a dealership where they offered "free" (remember nothing is free) oil changes, tire rotations, or other routine maintenance.  Disclaimer:  I haven't.  Since my dad is a used car dealer I usually joke with people that if I ever buy a brand new car I get kicked out of the family.  But usually, when you take your car in to get serviced they offer to let you drive a newer, nicer, fancier car that's in their fleet.  Have you ever wondered why they do that?  Hint, it's not just to be nice.  Dealerships want you see their newest and best cars to let you see how good it is in an effort to tempt you into purchasing a newer ride. 

Sorry, if you're car guy (or girl) but the rest of this post isn't about cars. 

I can't for the life of me understand why some people from Union want to bash, tear down, belittle, or insult anything good that we have here.  If you're not aware of how much of an asset USC-U is to this town, let me give you a few examples. 
1.  Many students are able to take college credits there while still in high school earning them the required hours for high school graduation while also earning credit hours that will transfer to college.  Do you understand how much of a head start that can be for students?  They could potentially take a lighter load in college, double major, or graduate early which in turn would save parents THOUSANDS of dollars in tuition. 
2.  Now, USC-U is offering so much more than the "undisclosed" number of years ago when I came through.  At that time, the university only offered Associate's Degrees.  But now they are offering two four-year Bachelor Degrees which can be fully completed on campus here at USC-U along with up to 14 others which can be completed online through Palmetto College. 
3.  They also offer a blossoming selection of athletics and are now competing in the NJCAA (National Junior College Athletic Association).  There are five sports currently offered with certain GPA requirements which encourage academic performance as well as the availability of more scholarships. 

Why would I mention USC-U in a comparison to a courtesy car?  Do you know what the university brings (besides higher education)?  It brings students - who bring friends and parents.  Do you know what they do while they're here?  They get a first-hand test drive of Union.  Let's say that the school has 600 students (I don't know the exact number).  If 1% of them decide that Union is where they want to live after finishing school, which means 6 new young people decide to live in Union every year.  Young people tend to start getting married and having children.  Parents and grandparents like to be near their children and especially their grandchildren.  Do you see the snowball starting to form here from just 1%?

But USC-U is not our only valuable asset.  We have many more, a number of fine family-run restaurants, locally owned stores and boutiques, Main Street Junction, the YMCA, Timken Sports Complex, and I can't wait to see what Union County Stadium looks like after its much needed upgrades.  All of these places and all of the events that are held here give people a taste of Union.  They are each the opportunity which that car dealer hopes for, they get to see your face when you get out of that courtesy car and try to make the sale. 

Someone who has never heard of Union, never moves to Union.  Let's all begin promoting and being proud of the assets that have here in Union and let's make sure that we use all the opportunities that present themselves to us as a chance to sell Union.  Who knows, that student enrolling this fall, that ball team playing this weekend, or that shopper who wanted to see the boutique in person may become the latest and greatest citizen of our fine town. 


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