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You Seen my Keys?

What do you lose more than anything else?  For most of us, it's probably car keys, the remote control for the TV, or possibly our phones - they've have an app for that now.  Heck, I've even threatened to cancel our TV services and make a rule that only adults could touch the remote controls we've lost ours so bad before (yeah, I get a little angry at times).  And while all of us have most likely either lost something, or been lost ourselves, most of these objects have ultimately been found...or replaced.  And the same is true for us - we don't have to stay lost.

Jesus tells a story of lostness in Luke 15:11-24.  Many have probably heard the story of the Prodigal Son before.  If not, give it a quick read.

Going Astray
In the story, the younger son did like many of us have done in our younger years - he had it all (life) figured out.  He knew that if he could have his share of the inheritance now that he could go live lavishly and do as he pleased.  But his initial request was a slap in the face to his father, he was essentially saying that he could care less if his father was alive or dead.  It was like the son was telling his father, "I prefer your possessions over your presence."

Nevertheless, the boy's father granted his request and gave him his portion.  The son "gathered together all that he had and traveled to a distant country" - he put distance between his father and himself.  The son got what he wanted, when he wanted it, and went where he wanted.  And he lived it up...until it ran out.

However, after much suffering and mental anguish, the son came his senses.  His life was literally at rock bottom as the pigs he was tasked with feeding were eating better than he was.  A young man who once had all of his wants at his disposal now could ill afford to meet his own personal needs.  It was this moment, and often one we have to find ourselves in to inspire true change, that he realized just host lost he was.

Making a Change
After coming his senses, the young man knew that he needed a change, and he needed one soon.  It was in that this desperation that prompted him to act.

Jordan Easeley shares this anecdote:  Picture 6 birds perched on a wire.  One bird decides to fly away.  How many birds are left on the wire?  Most of us would probably say 5, but the answer is 6.  I said one bird decides to fly away. I never said it actually did.

Realizing that we're lost, realizing that we're sinners, realizing that we need a change is good; but it's not enough.  "Deciding to do something is not the same as actually doing it."  Look at how many of us make New Year's resolutions but how few actually follow through with the execution of them.

Thoughts matter, I'm not saying that all.  But our daily actions add up and are required for change.  Just this week, I read a devotion titled, "The Power of Habits" which quoted a great book I recently finished title, "Atomic Habits" and heard a quote shared saying that there are more unwritten books in this world (ideas inside people's heads) than there are written books.  Deciding to act, having an idea, are great - but it takes action to get it done.

Coming Home
I'll be honest, I try to be a good father and I know I struggle there.  But the most surprising part of this story is the ease with which his father accepted the son's return.
  • The father saw him from a distance - he had to be looking for his son.
  • The father shed his dignity and ran out to meet him - he didn't care what others thought of him in this moment.  His lost son had returned and he was joyous.
  • The father didn't ask questions, he didn't fuss, he didn't ask what happened to all the money the son had been given.  He didn't even wait for an explanation or an apology before embracing the son.
  • He welcomed home and not into a survival state - into abundance.
Too many of us are coming to Christ to merely be saved from hell.  We stop there.  We do like the son could have done and said, "Dad, I just need food and shelter."  But God is not an 'okay' God.  He welcomes us back and wants us to grow in relationship with Him and thrive in this life He's given us.  Don't stop there.

Live it Out
Realizing what we were saved from is always extremely humbling.  We should often times remember where we once were too.  This week, focus on living this out in your life in three ways:
  • Seek God.  Maybe you've never accepted Christ and you need to "come home" to God.  Maybe you're like me and you accepted Christ early in life but eventually you realized how you were living wasn't really in line with how God wanted you to live.  Come back home.
  • Forgive.  "When was the last time you ran to forgive someone with reckless abandon?  Maybe it's time to forgive - even if it seems strange and shocking to everyone around.  Remember to forgive others as God forgives.
  • Reach out.  Odds are, you know someone who's struggling right now.  Reach out to them during their hard times.  Let them know you care about them and more importantly that God loves them too.


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