Two things:
1. I swear I'm going to try to keep this short, which means I may not go deeply into something so if you need further explanation, let's talk.
2. If you don't think God's timing is absolutely perfect, look at the political climate when are in today when this Sunday school lesson as published months ago!
Now, let's go. Some of this is, some of this is Lifeway. I'll be honest, I didn't even want to write this morning but this needs to be said.
"Politics can be a real minefield - especially for Christians...While politicians are often only concerned with the outcome, Christians must also be concerned about the process." Basically, we cannot take shortcuts or do what's wrong to get what's right. The phrase, "The end justifies the means," is one that we often use but you won't find it in Scripture. "In fact, God calls us a wholly different standard: a standard of obedience and love to Him that will be seen in how we respond to politics and government."
Is Government Good?
Go read Romans 13:1-4.
If you think life in the Roman Empire was all pleasant and hunky dory, think again. King Herod killing all boys age 2 and under was not unique. The story of the man beaten and left half dead on the road to Jericho was commonplace. And tax collectors like Zacchaeus cheating people to wrongly attain resources for themselves or the government were common as well.
"It was in the midst of all of this and more that Paul wrote to admonish the Roman believers: "Let everyone submit to the governing authorities." God is a god of order and when we live in submission to government, we are living in submission to God as well. "Unfortunately, governments are run by imperfect people who do imperfect things." If the government institutes a rule that goes against God's law and will, we follow God. Otherwise, we are to obey the rules.
How We Live Matters
Read Romans 13:5-7
"Our testimony shows up everywhere, so as much as possible, Christians should me model citizens. We are instructed to 'submit, not only because of wrath but also because of conscience.' Verse 7 reminds us that this submission covers everything."
As followers of Christ, we are not free to pick and choose which laws we follow. Paul made it very clear that our duty to God is to obey the law.
"God uses the government to build us up." Roads, water, sewer, police, EMS, and provisions for the poor, sick, and elderly, are a few of the ways that the government provides for us. But its ultimate role is to look after the nation as a whole.
"God uses our lives as a testimony of His faithful love and unselfish grace. The world is watching how we live...Some people may never read a Bible, so that all they know about the character of God they learn by watching the lives of those who call themselves Christians. When we live as good citizens, people learn of the faithful love and unselfish grace of the God we love."
"God uses the government for His purposes. God is working out his providential plan. We are sometimes so focused on our own lives and personal concerns that we forget God is working all around us - even within the government." One writer put it this way "Kings and presidents rule, but God super-rules!"
The Secret Sauce is Love
Read Romans 13:8-10
If it felt like Paul switched gears on you right there, you're not alone. He did go from talking about governing authorities to loving one another. But let's consider these verses in the context they were written. "Every system is made better when fueled by love and no one has a greater obligation to love than us."
"Politics must be practiced in the context of love. Most of us are likely not politicians, but we have political views - and we need to practice and express those views with love...When people know we are Christians, our actions and attitudes put God's name on the line."
"Politics can't solve our greatest problems. Politics may be able to accomplish the goals of our community or country, but not the goals of Christ's church. The church is not focused on making better citizens but on helping sinners to become radically transformed believers saved by grace."
"We can create all sorts of laws to 'legislate righteousness,' but those laws will never make us righteous. Laws make us aware of our sin, but they can't stop us from sinning. The love of God moves us to focus on transformation and not just legislation. Politics and legislation can never bring our country closer to God. It is in the work of Jesus Christ and the Word of God that is preached from our pulpits and taught in our Bible study groups."
What does this all mean?
1. Government is ordained by God. It's not perfect, but it's part of His plan.
2. How we live, act, and respond matters. This may be one of the most difficult to discern, knowing when to speak up, and when to be quiet. It's always worthwhile to listen.
3. Politics cannot save people. A guideline might extend your time on earth but it'll never get you into Heaven.
4. Practice love in your conversations and discussions.
5. Read God's Word. It's accurate and the 'guidance' in it hasn't been changed for 2,000 years.
6. Participate in the political process. You have a role to play - be it as a candidate, a voter, or someone to merely host discussions. Do it.
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