In his book, "Win at Home First," Cory M. Carlson shares his Five Capitals and how they can help each of us live a prioritized life. He warns that if we aren't careful, we will end up running around feeling like everything is important until we get to the point where nothing is important. Here are his Five Capitals in order of priority.
Spiritual: This capital has to do with our relationship with's the most valuable of the capitals and is measured in wisdom.
Relational: This capital is about the relational equity (trust) we've built up with others...relational capital is about both the quality and depth of our relationships and is measured in influence and impact.
Physical: The physical capital relates to the time and energy we have available to invest in other people. Time is the great equalizer. We have one life to make the most of.
Intellectual: This capital refers to our creativity and knowledge. The skills and competences we learn allow us to thrive in life. It's measured in insight and ideas.
Financial: Financial capital relates to money, tangible resources we have available to invest. It's about stewarding all the resources we have and is measured in dollars and cents.
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