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Forecast Christians

How many of us from Union were greatly disappointed yesterday when we didn't receive the amount of snow that had been promised to us days and hours earlier?  I know I was.  Weather forecasters had been promising us several inches of snow for days.  But as we woke up Saturday morning we had cold rain and finally a dusting of snow.  We got to play with Thomas a little while in it and enjoyed seeing everything semi-covered in white, but that only lasted a few hours.  The snow stopped falling and as it warmed up slightly what was there melted away as quickly as it had arrived.  It was disappointing after all the promises.

How often have we been that snow forecast?  How many times have you heard a powerful sermon on Sunday morning and vowed to yourself and to God to become a better person?  Feeling inspired by the message, we've left telling ourselves; "God, I'm going to stop (insert bad activity)," and "God, I'm going to start (insert good activity)."  We make a promise to Him to start living a life that will bring glory and honor to Him. 

But then Monday morning hits.  You wake up 20 minutes late, the coffee maker is broken, and you burn the toast.  This scenario would likely lead to a bad attitude and probably a few bad words too.  And now there's no time for prayer and a devotion since you're late.  God had all these high hopes that had just been promised to him days and hours earlier.  And now those promises of glory that lasted through Sunday evening have melted away Monday morning.  Sound familiar? 

How can we prevent this from happening?  We must live our lives focused on God and filled with the Holy Spirit.  Romans 8:1-11 offers us much advice for doing so.
-  Trusting in Jesus Christ sets us free (vs 1-2)
-  We should walk according to the Spirit (v 4)
-  Focusing on flesh results in death (v 6)
-  Focusing on the spirit results in life and peace (v 6)
-  We cannot please God in the flesh (v 8)
-  If the Spirit is in you, he will give life to your physical body too (v 11)

Wherever and however you are able to hear the Word of God this morning, let in penetrate your heart and change you.  But as we leave church and as we prepare to start the week, we must not allow ourselves to disappoint God the way many hopeful children were let down yesterday when we didn't get the snow that had been promised.


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