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My Goals for 2017

Set attainable goals, not easy ones.  Focus on these four areas and have a goal or two for each one that you want to accomplish.  Write it down and check on your status of it every 2-3 months during the year and keep an eye on how things are going for you.  My areas of focus come from Luke 2:52 - "And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and favor with God and man."

Wisdom - Intellectual Goals
This is a tough one to come up with at times.  I like to have something that is measurable other than just saying to be "better" at something.  I want to read at least 12 books this year.  Wow, for me that number seems high but I have already read a few lately (no, they don't count) and I can see that I do retain more information from reading than I thought I did. 

From an intellectually financial aspect of things, I honestly just want to survive 2017.  With the completion of our house scheduled for mid to late February, buying stuff for it, adjusting to that new payment, and thoughts of possibly having another baby (don't read too much into that, we've planned to have 2 since we got married, just not sure when), I honestly believe that any goal set now would have to be modified every 6 weeks.  So my goal is survival there.

Stature - Physical Goals
Now this one gets me more excited than intellectual.  I had an up and down 2016 coming up short of some of my finishing results in Spartan Races, but I did much better than before so there was some physical improvement.  I hate making the typical "lose weight" resolution but after getting on the scale for the first time in about 6 months that one has been added to the list.  I need to drop about 10-15 pounds and then maintain there.  I definitely need to clean up my eating habits some as well in that area too so we'll see how all of that goes.

I do have one very measurable goal that I hope I haven't set too high for myself, but I want to run a 5k in under 20 minutes this year.  That's going to be a little over a minute faster than my fastest time ever so that's going to be tough.  I haven't planned any races or competitions but I would like to do more with friends and not be as focused as I was on MY training last year.

Relation to God - Spiritual Goals
There are so many goals to have in this area it can almost be overwhelming.  Part of my intellectual goals go here because I plan to read books by Christian authors to help me grow deeper in my faith that way.  I also do have the goal of being hands on in seeing someone saved this year.  I set that goal humbly because I know that I don't have that power, but it must be an amazing feeling to lead someone to the Savior and it would be an honor to serve God and grow his kingdom in that way. 

I want to see my prayer life grow.  That's difficult to measure or to show others how it's changed but by writing down some thoughts in prayer, and honestly just by sensing the power in it, I can tell if it is.  We also need to get our family back on track with doing a family devotion.  We may not do it every day since some days are just crazy, but we do need to pause a few minutes each day to focus on who made the day.  I am also continuing to toss around the idea of attempting to write a devotional book that would help others grow in their faith as well, that task just seems overwhelming at times to even know where or how to start it.

Relation to Man - Social Goals
Relationships are essential to our happiness and to live a fulfilling Christian life.  As you focus on relationships, look at WHO those relationships as well as WHAT the relationship should be.  Let's start at the top with my wife, Brittnee.  I was strongly convicted a couple months ago about treating her more like a business partner than of a wife.  I have since begun trying to react to things more out of love than out of duty.  Our relationship isn't perfect, and I still mess up daily, but I pray that in 2017 we can continue to grow closer together as we continue through all of life's obstacles and victories.

We have been blessed to have a number of friends in our lives the past few years.  I love how we've grown closer together and just enjoy each other's company more and more.  I guess the one thing I'd like to change there is to hang out and have more big gatherings, even if it's just being at someone's house since that's the safest option nowadays to spare other people around with the so many wild kids now.

One of my social goals falls into my physical goals as well.  I really want to do more races and competitions with friends this year.  I let last year get too competitive and wanted to train hard enough to beat everyone instead of enjoying the comradery that really makes it more enjoyable.  I've had some decent races but the most rewarding moments of races the past 2 years are from the 2015 Carolina Beast being there watching Don Raye help Jenn across one of final obstacles of the 12+ mile race, and being able to run grab a Gatorade for Don Raye near the end of the hardest race I ever did, the 2016 Asheville Super.  It was nice to finish the races and have times I was proud of, but witnessing their teamwork in 2015 and seeing how hard he pushed it to finish in 2016 are so much more meaningful. 

Think and pray about your goals for 2017, take an extra week or so into January if you need to.  Happy 2017!  Increase every way every day.


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